
Work Talk

Don't you just love, how the system of communication you have with your coworkers, ends up just falling apart and now with a communication error you only get scheduled one day the next week and it basically looks like they want you to quit. So story time, basically if anyone uses 7shifts you would (hopefully) know that it's kinda buggy and not all the notifications go through till the last minute. Well, basically a week ago (technically 8 days ago today) I got my schedule for this week and one of the days I work at my second job so I could not come in to my first job. So I posted on 7shifts my scheduled day. The same day another coworker of mine posted her Tuesday shift and in the group chat I messaged to her specifically if she would want to switch because I work on Thursday and…

Don't you just love, how the system of communication you have with your coworkers, ends up just falling apart and now with a communication error you only get scheduled one day the next week and it basically looks like they want you to quit.
So story time, basically if anyone uses 7shifts you would (hopefully) know that it's kinda buggy and not all the notifications go through till the last minute. Well, basically a week ago (technically 8 days ago today) I got my schedule for this week and one of the days I work at my second job so I could not come in to my first job. So I posted on 7shifts my scheduled day. The same day another coworker of mine posted her Tuesday shift and in the group chat I messaged to her specifically if she would want to switch because I work on Thursday and she wanted to go to church on Tuesday. So I keep looking on the app 2 days after I sent the message (and even the five days after that i kept looking in 7shifts) and I never got a notification that she messaged back but I kept looking in the chat itself and also for some reason the app reset and took it off the shift pool and then I posted it back on the app that I wanted somebody to pick it up and apparently she messaged me but it wasn't towards me like in a separate chat and it wasn't in the chat itself but it was under like a comment onto my message (so you would have to scroll through your the messages that are in the chat itself to get to your own message to see a little comment sign that somebody commented). And she supposedly put a comment under my message two days after I sent her a message. Now first of all who TF waits 2 days to send a full message when I specifically @ you and just doesn't do anything else. For those who know how the app works. You know that if you pick up a shift management has to approve it and then you get an email, a possible text message, and a notification on the app that somebody picked up your shift. And not only that but when you post a shift you get an email about it and you also get a notification on said app about it. I feel like on that app it gives you more notifications about shifts than it does about messages and comments and stuff. But anyway yesterday rolls around and early in the morning I still have the mindset of it's my day off still so I'm just like okay I'm going to go to SeaWorld with my boyfriend and then we're going to go to Disney because we both have the day off. And low and behold early morning at like 9:00 a.m. I get a notification that my schedule for this week was updated. And I was scheduled for last night and I immediately was like no, I posted last night's shift up for somebody to pick it up and I said to them that I am not feeling good and that this schedule change was last minute and that's not good. Now mind you management also has access to the messages so therefore if they did not see me message my coworker back to 100% my decision because I just asked her I wasn't like you know certain I was just you know asking. They could have easily changed my schedule either the day she said yes or you know not wait until the day of to change my schedule. And it's funny because this girl could have done two things she could have easily sent me a message in the actual chat confirming it because to be honest that's what I was waiting for and then also what I was expecting was because since I had my shift up on the system for somebody to pick it up for five six days straight technically, she could have easily grab that shift, management would have proved it and then I would have been more notificed that she got it. I would have been taking her Tuesday. So if anybody can agree with me on that just a little bit that would be great if, I am totally in the wrong just so you know, I was expecting two things I was not expecting a small little comment that I cannot see unless I press on my chat bubble. I was expecting either an actual message that is in the actual chat or in a separate chat that she could have easily made between us, and I was just expecting her to grab my shift therefore I would grab hers and we would have basically traded more or less. And also with all of this that's probably why I only have one shift next week. Yay me.

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