
How bad is it to lie about a college degree?

Everybody lies on their resume, yeah? I've been hired before in my field, but had some bad luck when the tech industry took a hit a few months ago. I've been applying to an average of 20 positions every day for the past…I don't even know, and have gotten only about 3 interviews in as many months. I never actually finished college, and I wonder if the fact that I don't have a 4-year degree is holding me back. How bad would it really be if I listed a 4-year degree on applications and resume?

Everybody lies on their resume, yeah?

I've been hired before in my field, but had some bad luck when the tech industry took a hit a few months ago. I've been applying to an average of 20 positions every day for the past…I don't even know, and have gotten only about 3 interviews in as many months.

I never actually finished college, and I wonder if the fact that I don't have a 4-year degree is holding me back. How bad would it really be if I listed a 4-year degree on applications and resume?

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