
Boss calling my bluff?

I’ll try keep this short – I’ve been underpaid for a while – people a grade below me are earning the same / more. I took this to my manager who says they took it to HR asking for a raise. I’ve since said I’m looking at other options (I have no other options in the pipeline) they have come back and said there is nothing they can do. I have been offered a development plan to get me a grade higher in 6 months or so – providing I hit my targets. Feels like it could be an empty promise? How do I go back now and accept, given I’ve threatened to leave? Urgh what a pickle!

I’ll try keep this short – I’ve been underpaid for a while – people a grade below me are earning the same / more. I took this to my manager who says they took it to HR asking for a raise. I’ve since said I’m looking at other options (I have no other options in the pipeline) they have come back and said there is nothing they can do. I have been offered a development plan to get me a grade higher in 6 months or so – providing I hit my targets. Feels like it could be an empty promise? How do I go back now and accept, given I’ve threatened to leave? Urgh what a pickle!

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