
Chinese company is BS

I don't even know where to begin this. For background I am a Taiwanese person who grew up in Taiwan but have been in the States for 10 years. I recently started working at this electronics company. A little background for it the management is all Chinese and the Marketing team is all Americans. Because it was the position (digital marketing) that I have been wanting to work for for a long time so I am really grateful for this opportunity. Before this job I was working at a loan company, my boss and coworkers were all around my age, we play music and talk about games, trends, whatever is going on TikTok, etc. I loved it there honestly, but left for more career growth in my field. So the first week I started it was all dead silence on the team and I was like okay let me try…

I don't even know where to begin this.
For background I am a Taiwanese person who grew up in Taiwan but have been in the States for 10 years.

I recently started working at this electronics company. A little background for it the management is all Chinese and the Marketing team is all Americans. Because it was the position (digital marketing) that I have been wanting to work for for a long time so I am really grateful for this opportunity. Before this job I was working at a loan company, my boss and coworkers were all around my age, we play music and talk about games, trends, whatever is going on TikTok, etc. I loved it there honestly, but left for more career growth in my field.

So the first week I started it was all dead silence on the team and I was like okay let me try to get my coworkers, idk what's going on but Ill just do the usual talking that Ive done like how it was at my old company. And then I learned that because the boss here doesn't encourage chit chat in the office, everyone just talks on Slack now. So the first few days I'd try to talk in person, but then I started talking to people on Slack. It's a little depressing for me that we all sit next to each other but no one talks in person but sure whatever.

Today marks my fourth week here, and the Chinese boss said he wanted to talk to me for a second. So we had a quick meeting – he began with “how terrible my performance was the first week” because apparently I “talked too much”, but have seen improvements starting the second week that I “didn't talk as much anymore”. (I think it literally only has to do with how much I talked, not even about my work performance or how much I've contributed – which I have been). I asked him if he can let me explain, and I said that because previously when I was at an American company, they didn't mind us chatting all day. But now I am new at this Chinese company I didn't know we aren't allowed to chit chat as much here, and if that's the rules here I'll follow. Then he started getting mad on how I called this company a Chinese company and said we are in America so we are an American company. And started to explain that there are a lot of opportunities here for you to grow. I just feel very confused as in he started the meeting with shitting on me because I talked too much but then later on said he still wants me to grow and do well in this company. For reference my boss was born and raised in China. A fob. And I am a fob too, so I know how fobs work- some fobs just like to shit on you like this so I know that's just how it goes. But then he said he still wanted to see me grow. I just have mixed feelings rn.

Also some tea to spill, bc the management here sucks- the no chitchat rule and HR being over controlling, 3 people had quit in the past 2 weeks.

Also according to my American coworkers, he never really talking to any of them like he talks to me- he usually only talks to people whose Chinese natives.

I guess it sucks that I am a Chinese native.

Tldr: boss started shitting on me on how my performance sucked the first week but then proceeded to say I have a lot of room for growth and wants to see me succeed. Mixed feelings on how I should react to this.

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