

We, my amigos are always confused and caught up these days. That is not a surprise isn't it? When we have so many things around us and we have significant options for almost everything. Look around you, from a piece of paper to strand of a hair, From our dates to the digital screen that we call smart phones which we can't give up for even a quarter of an hour, we have everything on options. And the funny part is it gets better and better and we fall in the loop of confusion. I think rather than distractions maybe the root cause can be options that one have. Is having options really good? God knows. But one thing is sure, one cannot have enough. You can feel confident and sophisticated but also have anxiety and unfocused at the same time. The cards turns the both ways…

We, my amigos are always confused and caught up these days. That is not a surprise isn't it? When we have so many things around us and we have significant options for almost everything. Look around you, from a piece of paper to strand of a hair, From our dates to the digital screen that we call smart phones which we can't give up for even a quarter of an hour, we have everything on options. And the funny part is it gets better and better and we fall in the loop of confusion.

I think rather than distractions maybe the root cause can be options that one have. Is having options really good? God knows. But one thing is sure, one cannot have enough. You can feel confident and sophisticated but also have anxiety and unfocused at the same time. The cards turns the both ways…

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