
Having to prove myself to get a job is so tiring

I'm tired of putting in applications, then having to take meaningless tests or put up with 1/2 part interviews, or 'phone's interviews just to be brought in for the real interview and then never hear from anyone again. Even just the fact that I have to write a proposal on Upwork and prove to people that I know how to do something I've been doing for that past 10 years of my life is getting depressing. I know I have skills and talents but without the proof (numbers, sales, success, degrees, education), I feel completely useless and incompetent. Just wanted to vent after submitting some more applications and getting an email back that I failed an editing test project that was a grand.

I'm tired of putting in applications, then having to take meaningless tests or put up with 1/2 part interviews, or 'phone's interviews just to be brought in for the real interview and then never hear from anyone again. Even just the fact that I have to write a proposal on Upwork and prove to people that I know how to do something I've been doing for that past 10 years of my life is getting depressing. I know I have skills and talents but without the proof (numbers, sales, success, degrees, education), I feel completely useless and incompetent. Just wanted to vent after submitting some more applications and getting an email back that I failed an editing test project that was a grand.

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