
I don’t know if our families is too much after laid off

I just need to vent. So my husband got laid off last Friday. I was the one always handled our finances since we got married 17 years ago. My husband is very bad with money but he got a lot better now than before. I m the type who like to always have plans A,B or C. I’ve never worked real job after we had 3 kids but I always did some gigs like investing or translations part time and I was the one who brought in big cash while we relied on his monthly salaries for daily expenses. We are immigrants from a 3rd world country so I had always learned to live frugal and below our means but my husband was always a spender. We have saved up 300k in cash and I put it in CD now and with his severance package and all the PTO cash…

I just need to vent. So my husband got laid off last Friday. I was the one always handled our finances since we got married 17 years ago. My husband is very bad with money but he got a lot better now than before. I m the type who like to always have plans A,B or C. I’ve never worked real job after we had 3 kids but I always did some gigs like investing or translations part time and I was the one who brought in big cash while we relied on his monthly salaries for daily expenses. We are immigrants from a 3rd world country so I had always learned to live frugal and below our means but my husband was always a spender. We have saved up 300k in cash and I put it in CD now and with his severance package and all the PTO cash outs and bonus will help us and we can live for a year with same life style without touching our 300k. I also get $1500/month interest from that $300k . Both of our parents and siblings are rushing us already to look for a job and start doing things. We are still trying to process the news and taking care of all the medical checkups for everyone in the family while we still have insurance and this week has been very hectic. Both of our families don’t understand that we need time to take care of our mental health and physical health. I broke down and cried and didn’t sleep for a few days since Friday but we both are doing a lot better and trying to take one thing at a time
But I will still be looking for ways to bring some
Cash in. Also we have a mortgage of $270k on our house and our house is worth $850k now. But both of our families are pressuring us to start applying for jobs and they think that we won’t be ok if he doesn’t gets a job right away. It’s becoming more annoying for both of us on top of the laid off. I don’t know what to tell to both of our families ughh.

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