
What should we do ?

I currently work at a small cake shop and surprisingly there is drama. The two people currently causing problems are both older (60s) and my manager who also happens to be my best friend and I are at a loss of what to do because the owner is absent most of the time and doesn’t seem to care about anything that is happening. About a year ago things had gotten really Bad especially involving me. I was written up do to lies. Confronted the owner about it to defend myself and was blown off. I was told over and over again that how I dress is inappropriate. ( I work in the back as a decorator..I’m constantly covered in cake batter,powdered sugar ,icing etc) so I’m not wearing nice clothes to work. I wear stretchy pants and tshirts. There is no dress code and I was never told of a…

I currently work at a small cake shop and surprisingly there is drama.

The two people currently causing problems are both older (60s) and my manager who also happens to be my best friend and I are at a loss of what to do because the owner is absent most of the time and doesn’t seem to care about anything that is happening.

About a year ago things had gotten really Bad especially involving me. I was written up do to lies. Confronted the owner about it to defend myself and was blown off. I was told over and over again that how I dress is inappropriate. ( I work in the back as a decorator..I’m constantly covered in cake batter,powdered sugar ,icing etc) so I’m not wearing nice clothes to work. I wear stretchy pants and tshirts. There is no dress code and I was never told of a dress code when I was hired. I have a big butt,hips and thighs /hourglass figure so my body looks overly sexual…. Before the previous manager was fired because she was actually horrible she constantly told everyone,but me that I dressed inappropriately. She called me a whore for wearing chokers etc.

Despite most of the horrible people being gone this old man and older women still complain about how I dress. The owner said she doesn’t give a fuck. That I dress fine and not to worry,but it pisses me off they keep saying this. They specifically told an intern we had over the summer that she needed to wear a bra because some people might be offended if she doesn’t solely because I don’t wear bras.

Anyways In addition to this both of the older people don’t have to clean. The old man only does wedding cakes and acts stuck up about it. Even though his cakes are ugly as fuck and out dated. He doesn’t help up front he doesn’t answer phone calls or help customers . I feel it’s pretty unfair.

I’m technically assistant manager and the other decorator is my manger. The older man is exempt from us being able to tell him anything basically because he is stuck up and the owner doesn’t want him upset despite her agreeing that his cakes are horrible and that he is an asshole.

So my manger and I are the only ones who decorate party cakes. These are not simple cakes. Sometimes some of the fondant work will take me hours to complete and that’s just for one cake.

We also believe the older man is stealing time …we have also told the owner this ,but she seemed unbothered.

Which brings us to today. This morning she texted my manager basically pissed the old dude is getting over 10 hours of overtime every week. Manager again told her we felt like he is stealing time etc . So she’s like okay I’m sending a group text about overtime.

So the message comes and it’s all about how we aren’t making enough money at the bakery to support overtime and that we need to be taking every order possible and basically just making my manager and I look bad because we cut off orders at around 40 (old guy had 6 cakes last week and worked 50 hours)since we are the only ones decorating the party cakes and staying over 40 hours to finish them.

I don’t understand how the old dude working and getting paid far more than anyone else equates to my manger and I having to stay past 40 hours every week just to make more money for the bakery. It feels unfair that it falls all on our shoulders. We don’t get to work through the day uninterrupted like he does . We all have to split the tip money we make from our cakes..and basically everyone is benefiting from us busting our asses except for us.

When my manager got to work this morning he started going off on her saying we don’t do enough ,that we could be doing so much more, that it’s our fault the bakery doesn’t make money and all this other shit. He even again brought up that one of the wedding venues complains about me and how I dress and that I’m no longer allowed to deliver cakes there. I called the venue tonight and they didn’t even know what I was talking about so… he’s lying… which I already knew. I delivered there for five years for another bakery and never had problems. He also went off about how we didn’t tell him happy birthday last December? And that when he had his heart attack we did nothing for him ?! The heart attack was at a time when things were really bad in the shop. He talked shit about me everyday and was absolutely horrible….so?!

Not to mention I was pregnant with twin girls that I lost and it was one of the hardest times of my life and he didn’t do shit for me.

Basically I’m just pissed and I don’t know what to do. I feel like there is nothing we can do. I don’t understand how the owner lets him treat everyone like shit.

He also keeps making up rumors about me and I’m just tired of it. It hurts my feelings and makes me feel weird and sexualized.

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