
An anarchist on conservative talk radio

Hey everyone, I don’t know how well this post fits the general vibe because it’s somewhat self promot-y but let me tell you a story. For the past 5 years I’ve been participating to an increasing degree in discussions through email, Facebook comments, call ins, and even many many studio appearances. Several hosts on the station are very open minded people and are willing to allow diverse ideas on their airwaves. I’ve spoken on work, capitalism, policing, gender, war, gardening, guns, and many many many more topics I’ve the years all of which I was very open about my politics. Thanks to the intellectual courage of these hosts I’ve had the chance to help break the media bubble that many people exist within. People are getting exposed to ideas that they likely never would have encountered and I think that’s very very powerful. Not only could it keep folks from…

Hey everyone, I don’t know how well this post fits the general vibe because it’s somewhat self promot-y but let me tell you a story. For the past 5 years I’ve been participating to an increasing degree in discussions through email, Facebook comments, call ins, and even many many studio appearances. Several hosts on the station are very open minded people and are willing to allow diverse ideas on their airwaves.

I’ve spoken on work, capitalism, policing, gender, war, gardening, guns, and many many many more topics I’ve the years all of which I was very open about my politics.

Thanks to the intellectual courage of these hosts I’ve had the chance to help break the media bubble that many people exist within. People are getting exposed to ideas that they likely never would have encountered and I think that’s very very powerful. Not only could it keep folks from going down the rabbit hole of dehumanizing “the other side” which never goes anywhere good, some people may (and in my experience have) come considerably leftward when they got information the corporate media never gave them.

The main host on the station, someone who’s made this vibrant exchange of ideas possible, Lee Elci, has launched the second King of Callers contest. The first prize is an hour on air on the most prominent talk show in Connecticut.

My entry was an effort to draw attention, and support to the cop city resistance by drawing parallels to the rebels and resistors to empire that they venerate. If they say they support resistance to empire then why not now?

This conversation has helped break the spell for a lot of people who aren’t completely entrenched in the ideology of the right and I think that has value.

If you agree, the voting goes until tomorrow at 9am eastern time. My entry is under Hayward Gatch

Thank you for reading!

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