
Written up at work for altering time cards

My manager wrote me up this morning for altering her timecard. She usually runs 45 minutes to an hour late every day but will alter her timecards to make it look like she is on time to avoid any issues with our DM and HR. Two weeks ago I was written up for clocking in 15 minutes early, so I matched her energy. This morning when I was doing the timecards I changed her timecards to reflect what she clocked. She went from 40 hours for the week to 25. She was upset because it would impact her paycheck for the week. Now she has a new rule that only management (her) can verify timecards. I was written up for violating this rule. It's now been added to my “file”. Two more violations will mean termination. It was worth it to see the look on her face.

My manager wrote me up this morning for altering her timecard. She usually runs 45 minutes to an hour late every day but will alter her timecards to make it look like she is on time to avoid any issues with our DM and HR.

Two weeks ago I was written up for clocking in 15 minutes early, so I matched her energy. This morning when I was doing the timecards I changed her timecards to reflect what she clocked. She went from 40 hours for the week to 25. She was upset because it would impact her paycheck for the week.

Now she has a new rule that only management (her) can verify timecards. I was written up for violating this rule. It's now been added to my “file”. Two more violations will mean termination.

It was worth it to see the look on her face.

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