
I haven’t used my toilet at home in over a year.

That’s right. Why the hell would I devalue my shit like me that? I get paid to shit, by the hour, by my work. It doesn’t have to stop at #2 either, the only catch is having the discipline to only go at work. But every time I waiver, I remember a time honored phrase: “boss make a dollar I make a dime, that’s why I shit on company time.” Stay strong, stay getting paid for your shit.

That’s right. Why the hell would I devalue my shit like me that? I get paid to shit, by the hour, by my work. It doesn’t have to stop at #2 either, the only catch is having the discipline to only go at work. But every time I waiver, I remember a time honored phrase: “boss make a dollar I make a dime, that’s why I shit on company time.” Stay strong, stay getting paid for your shit.

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