
Candidates should be given time to make their decision

What is it with companies not wanting to give potential employees time to make a decision if they want the job or not? Why do they want people to rush their decision? I was literally offered a job at 9 AM and they want an answer by 5 PM the same day because the position needs to be filled ASAP. Can’t even have a day or even the weekend (non-business days) to think it over? I think this is a really crappy business practice. At a minimum a candidate should be given 2 business days to think an offer over. If companies can take weeks to get back to a candidate, they shouldn’t expect an immediate response.

What is it with companies not wanting to give potential employees time to make a decision if they want the job or not? Why do they want people to rush their decision? I was literally offered a job at 9 AM and they want an answer by 5 PM the same day because the position needs to be filled ASAP. Can’t even have a day or even the weekend (non-business days) to think it over? I think this is a really crappy business practice. At a minimum a candidate should be given 2 business days to think an offer over. If companies can take weeks to get back to a candidate, they shouldn’t expect an immediate response.

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