
Do you attend The Annual Company Picnic and Holiday Party?

You can tell a lot about company morale and motivation by the success or failure of events such as the Annual Company Picnic or Holiday Party. If morale is good people go and enjoy their coworkers and have a good time. Hopefully there is lots of free food. The type of people on this anti work Reddit board likely won't attend any company events unless they are forced to. Back when I worked as a Human Resources Director, I worked hard to get people to attend the picnic and Holiday Party. Lots of employees did not want to attend and had to be bribed by gifts, cash and lots of high quality food and booze. In other cases, the CEO would send out an email saying he expected everyone to be there and would be taking names who were not there and it would be remembered when bonuses were given…

You can tell a lot about company morale and motivation by the success or failure of events such as the Annual Company Picnic or Holiday Party. If morale is good people go and enjoy their coworkers and have a good time. Hopefully there is lots of free food.

The type of people on this anti work Reddit board likely won't attend any company events unless they are forced to.

Back when I worked as a Human Resources Director, I worked hard to get people to attend the picnic and Holiday Party. Lots of employees did not want to attend and had to be bribed by gifts, cash and lots of high quality food and booze. In other cases, the CEO would send out an email saying he expected everyone to be there and would be taking names who were not there and it would be remembered when bonuses were given out or even when decisions were made regarding promotions.

What do you think of the annual Company Picnic and Holiday Party?

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