
Performance reviews feel rigged

I’d like to preface this with, I do actually like my company and my job I’m just not very challenged. It’s also more tangential to what I want to do. Our company does performance reviews and last year my boss said that the average score is a 3, which is meets performance but there’s room for improvement. This is out of 5. I don’t think anyone ever gets a 5. It feels like, by the time review rolls around, everyone is looking for every little thing to tear you down with. And I do my job PLUS the content management, plus I ask for more work, especially conceptual work, plus I have vastly improved and learned new tools quickly and I bet anything I’m gonna get a 3 again. So at what point am I going beyond expectations? Cause being proactive doesn’t seem to do it. And I know I…

I’d like to preface this with, I do actually like my company and my job I’m just not very challenged. It’s also more tangential to what I want to do.

Our company does performance reviews and last year my boss said that the average score is a 3, which is meets performance but there’s room for improvement. This is out of 5. I don’t think anyone ever gets a 5. It feels like, by the time review rolls around, everyone is looking for every little thing to tear you down with. And I do my job PLUS the content management, plus I ask for more work, especially conceptual work, plus I have vastly improved and learned new tools quickly and I bet anything I’m gonna get a 3 again. So at what point am I going beyond expectations? Cause being proactive doesn’t seem to do it.

And I know I have it really good where I work now, but I’m worried about pay later when cost of living and rent go up next year again. Right now I can squeak by, but more than this and we might be having problems. If my raise based on this review doesn’t at least match rent adjustments, then what the hell am I supposed to do with that? Why is it that to get a reasonable raise or a promotion, we’re all forced to leave our job for a new one and risk leaving an otherwise good company for possibly abusive teams somewhere else?

Okay, vent over. Thanks.

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