
Work cliques and manager’s role

I work in a field that is known for lateral bullying and eating their young. This aspect of my job has been hard for me to accept. I am naturally a very warm person and I try to make every person feel included and special. My current unit is by far the most cliquish I have ever worked on. Today in the break room two coworkers were discussing a party tomorrow night hosted by our manager in his home. manager invited only some of the staff. This manager approves schedules, pto, tracks out time cards etc … Am I out of line to think that this is unprofessional and contributing to the toxic culture on our unit? To add on to this – a lateral coworker invited the entire staff to her party she is hosting on the same night – but she sent out her email invite to us…

I work in a field that is known for lateral bullying and eating their young. This aspect of my job has been hard for me to accept. I am naturally a very warm person and I try to make every person feel included and special. My current unit is by far the most cliquish I have ever worked on. Today in the break room two coworkers were discussing a party tomorrow night hosted by our manager in his home. manager invited only some of the staff. This manager approves schedules, pto, tracks out time cards etc … Am I out of line to think that this is unprofessional and contributing to the toxic culture on our unit? To add on to this – a lateral coworker invited the entire staff to her party she is hosting on the same night – but she sent out her email invite to us weeks ago-manger bro’s party invite is undercutting hers.
What would you do other than not give two tiddlywinks ( because my heart cares )

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