
Not getting paid options

My buddy started up his own “contracting” business this year. He helped this lady at the end of September and she still hasn’t paid him ($375) and now he’s wondering if she ever will. I’m thinking he should post fliers on her business saying she doesn’t pay her workers or maybe interrupt her business telling customers the situation. Are there any better ideas to go about this? Another important note is I’m pretty sure he’s getting paid under the table with the intentions of handling his taxes at the end of the fiscal year but I’m not sure on that either (he hasn’t clarified) and am not trying to get him into legal trouble as well just for him to get his check. I might be in over my head on this but he’s a really good dude just not all there and rent is coming up too.

My buddy started up his own “contracting” business this year. He helped this lady at the end of September and she still hasn’t paid him ($375) and now he’s wondering if she ever will. I’m thinking he should post fliers on her business saying she doesn’t pay her workers or maybe interrupt her business telling customers the situation. Are there any better ideas to go about this? Another important note is I’m pretty sure he’s getting paid under the table with the intentions of handling his taxes at the end of the fiscal year but I’m not sure on that either (he hasn’t clarified) and am not trying to get him into legal trouble as well just for him to get his check. I might be in over my head on this but he’s a really good dude just not all there and rent is coming up too.

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