
The stupid dilemma

I don't know how many times I thought of writing this post, but because I have had so many negative experiences interacting with others in the past, I needed to reach the Crap Point to speak out. I lost my job on August. Although the company claims it was for wellbeing and suitability for the role, reality is they caused me to go into autistic burnout, which messed up my mental health big time. To top it off, because I had a big meltdown at work in March, I started getting openly bullied by a senior coworker and her cronies. To be fair, this lady has a reputation of being a bully, but it is a very badly kept secret that the company rather have her and bury their heads in the sand than fixing the toxic environment they're allowing to fester. I decided to go back to college, once…

I don't know how many times I thought of writing this post, but because I have had so many negative experiences interacting with others in the past, I needed to reach the Crap Point to speak out.

I lost my job on August. Although the company claims it was for wellbeing and suitability for the role, reality is they caused me to go into autistic burnout, which messed up my mental health big time. To top it off, because I had a big meltdown at work in March, I started getting openly bullied by a senior coworker and her cronies. To be fair, this lady has a reputation of being a bully, but it is a very badly kept secret that the company rather have her and bury their heads in the sand than fixing the toxic environment they're allowing to fester.

I decided to go back to college, once a week on the evenings. But now, because of it, no one wants to give me a job. Absolutely no one. I have tried agencies, fast food places, enrolling in courses that promised interviews at the end, employment offices, seasonal jobs… And NOTHING AT ALL.

I'm still really burnt out, and despite I have tried to seek help from doctors, all I have got is CBT and antidepressants. I am not doing any better.

Sincerely? If it weren't by the fact this house needs my income too, I would just give up the job thingy until I'm mentally better. But because of how things work in the UK, me and my girlfriend are fucked.

Fuck this stupid rat race, seriously.

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