
I’m pissed at how they fucking see us. How they see the world.

The bourgeoisie is not going to be satisfied with anything less than for you to serve them with loving adoration, like it's your entire purpose in life, your most intimate desire to be productive and generate profit like nothing can stop you. This is who you ought to be in the bourgeois ideal and anything that deviates from that prompts thoughts of replacing you with a more ideal proletarian subject. So knowing this we also know we often have to lie about who we are to them and their HR departments. You lie about enjoying being challenged, you lie about performing well under pressure, you lie about your preferences and desires. You have to convince them that you are closer to their version of the ideal worker than the other interviewees. And in doing that, you're also in a way consenting to being treated like a lifeless drone whose sole…

The bourgeoisie is not going to be satisfied with anything less than for you to serve them with loving adoration, like it's your entire purpose in life, your most intimate desire to be productive and generate profit like nothing can stop you. This is who you ought to be in the bourgeois ideal and anything that deviates from that prompts thoughts of replacing you with a more ideal proletarian subject.

So knowing this we also know we often have to lie about who we are to them and their HR departments. You lie about enjoying being challenged, you lie about performing well under pressure, you lie about your preferences and desires. You have to convince them that you are closer to their version of the ideal worker than the other interviewees. And in doing that, you're also in a way consenting to being treated like a lifeless drone whose sole purpose in life is labor — which they already see you as. So to them, what they're doing is beautiful, it's holy. You're a lifeless drone, a purposeless monkey, and they're giving you a purpose, a direction, not to mention a salary, the right to life itself.

To them, they provide you with the salary which you must use for your subsistence, in fact the only thing you can use for continued subsistence, legally — you either “earn” something or you steal it. and so they see themselves as saviors of humanity, seeing as no human may eat under capitalism without laboring for a capitalist first. This is important, so let me rephrase: To them, you are not producing them profits, you are a cog in a profitable machine of their creation, and you receive a fixed and agreed upon salary, merely a rental value of your labor, which he pays using the profits he is “entitled to” — profits which importantly come not from the labor of his workers, but instead, is abstractly generated by the bourgeois subject via his enterprise which, since he owns the enterprise, he takes credit for all the labor it performs. He's already paid for that labor, after all. It's his labor. His labor. Not yours. Never been yours.

When they hire you they're not doing it to “exploit your labor”, you see. At least they don't think of it in those terms. They're doing it because they need a cog in their glorious profit machine, and they're granting you the privilege of being that cog for the right to a salary, best case scenario if you're an important cog you get a floating percent-based part of his profits, but it's his profits, never mistake yourself about that.

This is how we get people earning >1000x the salary of their average employees (or however much it's gotten to, can't be bothered to check). Not because the boss works >1000x harder than his average employee, but because the workers do not own their labor, they rented full access to their labor out for a salary, and the person who owns that labor, who rented it from you, gets to take credit for all that you do. So they get to earn your money, and from that money, or from the pile it ends up in, they pay your salary.

I'm sorry for the ramble. I hope I'm wrong but that's what it feels like sometimes. And I'm just putting this out there to see if it resonates with anyone.

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