
In search of your thoughts and advice on my current situation

I was recently fired from work and the reason for me being fired has me very upset. Let me explain. Several weeks ago, I went to a collection site for a drug test for work. Due to my line of work, I am no stranger to random/pre-access drug tests. Typically when I go in I do a breathalyzer and a urine test. This time though, I was set up to do an oral fluid test for the first time. I do the tests and go about the rest of my work week like normal. I then received a call from our Medical Resource Officer (MRO) telling me that my test came back positive for cocaine. I was very shaken and surprised by that news because I do not use any drugs, ever. I told him that I don’t take anything and that I’m not on any prescribed medication and that…

I was recently fired from work and the reason for me being fired has me very upset. Let me explain.

Several weeks ago, I went to a collection site for a drug test for work. Due to my line of work, I am no stranger to random/pre-access drug tests. Typically when I go in I do a breathalyzer and a urine test. This time though, I was set up to do an oral fluid test for the first time. I do the tests and go about the rest of my work week like normal. I then received a call from our Medical Resource Officer (MRO) telling me that my test came back positive for cocaine.

I was very shaken and surprised by that news because I do not use any drugs, ever. I told him that I don’t take anything and that I’m not on any prescribed medication and that it’s impossible that I tested positive for cocaine.

The following business day, when my job’s HR was made aware of the results, I was put on suspension and was told I was able to have a retest of my sample performed.

The company that handles our drug testing is called DISA. I contacted DISA and told them that I want a retest done right away because there’s no way the results are legit. After getting the process of the retest started, I went to a reputable laboratory to have a hair follicle test done, as it is more accurate and shows 90+ days in the past, to prove that the test was BS and that I had no cocaine in my system.

Once I received the hair follicle results (which were of course negative), I sent them to my companies HR who told me that they can’t do anything with those results, and that they can only go with the results from DISA.

After 2 weeks of waiting on suspension, I finally received the test results from DISA for the re-analysis and it was still positive. My company called me shorty after to terminate my employment and wouldn’t even consider allowing me a company sanctioned hair follicle test to prove my innocence.

Essentially, I just got fired for testing post I’ve got a drug I have never done, with proof that I don’t have a trace of that drug in my system.

I am seeking your thoughts and advice on this situation. DISA refuses to tell me what kind of test was done for the initial test and the re-analysis and they also refuse to provide me the values of my test results. I have began to grow very suspicious of this whole situation and I believe I was wronged by DISA.


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