
People that destroy public toilets and expect the cleaning staff to deal with it should be tossed in jail *graphic description of humans being gross* read at your own risk

I work as a janitor and it's caused me to lose all respect for humanity. If you ask me what a crime looks like, it's people who use public toilets and leave them a war zone wasteland. Sht on/under the seats, dried, exploded vomit, menstrual devices laying all over the place, blood smeared on walls from periods, pubic hair, toenail shavings, diarrhea on the walls, ceiling, god would cry if I told you more. Even worse, I've been shamed and berated by my bosses before because I came out of a restroom once because someone decided to end my life by shtying so violently, so much, that they clogged the toilet so full that it backed up and came out of the bowl onto the tile floor, walked through it, and left. I went in to deal with it and the smell was so foul that I gagged so hard…

I work as a janitor and it's caused me to lose all respect for humanity. If you ask me what a crime looks like, it's people who use public toilets and leave them a war zone wasteland. Sht on/under the seats, dried, exploded vomit, menstrual devices laying all over the place, blood smeared on walls from periods, pubic hair, toenail shavings, diarrhea on the walls, ceiling, god would cry if I told you more. Even worse, I've been shamed and berated by my bosses before because I came out of a restroom once because someone decided to end my life by shtying so violently, so much, that they clogged the toilet so full that it backed up and came out of the bowl onto the tile floor, walked through it, and left. I went in to deal with it and the smell was so foul that I gagged so hard my throat closed up, my eyes watered, and I went outside to throw up. My boss saw how incapacitated I was and barked, “why did you say you could clean if you can't handle the job! So, you want me to do your job for you?!”

I've also dealt with vandalism where toilet paper dispensers were broken off the wall, peed and crapped on, and toilet paper slung along the restroom, a mirror was also broken to pieces.

I'm female, but you wouldn't believe how many men would just barge in while I was cleaning (with my janitor-do not enter sign clearly posted on the entrance) and just pee at a urinal while I was in there alone.

I think janitors have one of the most foul, low paying jobs ever and no one respects them. I feel like people complain about people stealing from stores, but never bring up how disrespectful people are when going into a public restroom. It's like they decided that it's the place they can mistreat because it's the only place where they're allowed to get away with it. I'd rather see the asshole, who left my restroom a literal biohazard I worked so hard to clean, get handcuffed and fined than anyone doing petty stealing or whatever. It's almost like abusing employees to leave them to clean up after grown ass adults is just part of the new normal now.

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