
Been wanting to quit, but feel bad leaving everyone else with more work

Long story, but I’ve been miserable at my job for months now. We’re night crew, and due to some retirements and the fact that the company refuses to hire new people, we’re pretty much always overworked. If one person calls off for any reason, everyone has a shit fit and we end up WAY behind. That being said, I like a lot of my coworkers. I feel solidarity with them because we’re all in the same boat, and I feel like when I quit I’m going to doom them (until they can get someone else, which might be several weeks). It’s a very physical job, and I don’t know how much longer I can take it. I barely sleep, I feel exhausted all the time, and the night crew is very much under-appreciated at this store. They had a “night crew appreciation week” where they gave us a $15 in-store…

Long story, but I’ve been miserable at my job for months now. We’re night crew, and due to some retirements and the fact that the company refuses to hire new people, we’re pretty much always overworked. If one person calls off for any reason, everyone has a shit fit and we end up WAY behind.

That being said, I like a lot of my coworkers. I feel solidarity with them because we’re all in the same boat, and I feel like when I quit I’m going to doom them (until they can get someone else, which might be several weeks).

It’s a very physical job, and I don’t know how much longer I can take it. I barely sleep, I feel exhausted all the time, and the night crew is very much under-appreciated at this store. They had a “night crew appreciation week” where they gave us a $15 in-store gift card and some pizza (lol) but the day managers are constantly complaining that we’re not getting enough done + trying to make us do their work for them when we physically CAN’T DO ANY MORE.

There’s also one particular coworker who has been harassing me for months. Dude has an explosive temper, carries a stun gun everywhere, and he has real guns at home (he was convinced that there would be a “jihad” on the 13th, so he “came in strapped”… dunno why anyone would attack a grocery store at 3am, but whatever). He’s constantly making weird sexual comments to me and trying to get me to go home with him. There have been multiple complaints made against him by others (he’s also extremely, extremely racist and nasty) but nothing was done.

Anyway. Every week I tell myself, “I can’t take one more fcking day of this, I don’t have to put up with this” but then I go in and I see how swamped and miserable everyone else is and how much they need me and I feel terrible.

I was going to put my notice in soon, but that would make my last day the week before the Thanksgiving rush. If I wait longer than that, someone else is retiring and we’ll be even MORE short-staffed.

This probably sounds silly, I just don’t have much experience with this sort of thing. When I left my last job they already had someone else to replace me. Any advice or comments from someone who’s been in a similar situation would be appreciated.

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