
Threat of punishment due to being partially disabled

to give a little background I work at a hotel and have been here for over 3 years. When I was hired I was sure to inform the manager hiring me that I had a bad back, due to breaking it when I was 11 years old and that going undiscovered for years and healing improperly. I made sure to tell the manager hiring me that I could not be on my feet every single night for hours on end helping with laundry. cut to today, I come in after my days off to find out that laundry has been removed as a responsibility for housekeeping and now it falls 100% onto front desk. I was also informed that this will be affecting my end of year bonus even though management already knows of my back and the fact i cannot be on my feet every single night. This is…

to give a little background I work at a hotel and have been here for over 3 years. When I was hired I was sure to inform the manager hiring me that I had a bad back, due to breaking it when I was 11 years old and that going undiscovered for years and healing improperly. I made sure to tell the manager hiring me that I could not be on my feet every single night for hours on end helping with laundry. cut to today, I come in after my days off to find out that laundry has been removed as a responsibility for housekeeping and now it falls 100% onto front desk. I was also informed that this will be affecting my end of year bonus even though management already knows of my back and the fact i cannot be on my feet every single night. This is not the first time my back has come up in conversation with my current manager, who is different than the one who hired me. Any time my back problems come up I'm told “we need to do something about that” even though nothing can be done about it. I'm not even sure what else to say to my manager anymore. I'm the only one these new rules will actually affect as first shift has housekeeping help them, even though they aren't supposed to and are capable by themselves. second shift is hit or miss as one girl does her job and the other who works when she is off, almost never does any laundry or cleaning. and then I'm on third and while most nights I'm fine to do the laundry, but about once a week to once every other week it is a miracle I'm even able to get out of bed and make it to work let alone do laundry as well. I'm just so lost and have been looking for another place to work, but no other hotels in my area are hiring at the moment for third shift. Thanks for reading my rant guys. hope i wasn;t too all over the place

Edit: accidently posted without finishing

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