
Obviously I’m slow, but I figured out the reason the 5-day work week sucks so badly. Saturday is your only true day off.

Hear me out. The reason I think Saturday is your only true day off is because Fridays you have to work but can stay up as late as you want (if you can stay up after waking up at the butt crack of dawn). Sunday you can sleep in and do whatever you want but have to go to bed early (unless you want to be tired as fuck the next day). Sure some of us just stay up when we're tired on Friday or deal with an exhausting Monday because we went to bed too late on Sunday, but Saturday is your one and only true free day where you don't have to take work into account. While I'd prefer a 4 day work week, at least make it a 4.5 day work week. Let us start at noon on Mondays and work a half day. It's a good…

Hear me out. The reason I think Saturday is your only true day off is because Fridays you have to work but can stay up as late as you want (if you can stay up after waking up at the butt crack of dawn). Sunday you can sleep in and do whatever you want but have to go to bed early (unless you want to be tired as fuck the next day).

Sure some of us just stay up when we're tired on Friday or deal with an exhausting Monday because we went to bed too late on Sunday, but Saturday is your one and only true free day where you don't have to take work into account. While I'd prefer a 4 day work week, at least make it a 4.5 day work week. Let us start at noon on Mondays and work a half day. It's a good start anyway. That way, at least Sunday would feel like a true day off.

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