
1877 to 2023 – How it started – How it’s going

1877 Verviers Congress – “…recognizes the importance of trades' organizations and recommends their formation on an international basis, declares that trades' organizations that have their goal only to the improvement of workers' situations, either through the reduction of working hours, or by the organization of wage levels, will never accomplish the emancipation of the proletariat, and that trades' unions should adopt as their principle goal the abolition of the proletariat” 2023 Reddit – “My boss is mean to me.”

Verviers Congress – “…recognizes the importance of trades' organizations and recommends their formation on an international basis, declares that trades' organizations that have their goal only to the improvement of workers' situations, either through the reduction of working hours, or by the organization of wage levels, will never accomplish the emancipation of the proletariat, and that trades' unions should adopt as their principle goal the abolition of the proletariat”

Reddit – “My boss is mean to me.”

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