
Have to turn in my keys and step down because I won’t work weekends…

Part-time manager for a popular retail store that just got told to either turn my keys in or change my availability. I got a career job last year and was ready to step down from my full-time role. The store manager had almost no one else to close the store and asked if I could stick around part-time. Keep the pay, title, keys, etc but close the store at night. Sounds fair to me as long as I do not work weekends because I am not working 7 days straight. This worked well for a year and she tried hard to find other managers so I could turn in my keys but that never happened. Mind you I was supposed to get promoted before I even got my career job so my position was already open for a year. It took two years for my position to be open and…

Part-time manager for a popular retail store that just got told to either turn my keys in or change my availability. I got a career job last year and was ready to step down from my full-time role. The store manager had almost no one else to close the store and asked if I could stick around part-time. Keep the pay, title, keys, etc but close the store at night. Sounds fair to me as long as I do not work weekends because I am not working 7 days straight. This worked well for a year and she tried hard to find other managers so I could turn in my keys but that never happened. Mind you I was supposed to get promoted before I even got my career job so my position was already open for a year. It took two years for my position to be open and they could not find anyone to take my spot. The old store manager got stressed and found another job and they finally found two new salary managers (I was hourly) to take the leadership positions. Nothing changes for a few months but corporate before the holiday says no more part-time hourly managers unless they will have flexible Availability to “meet the needs of the business” and work weekends. I understand the predicament if I work one day a month (we had someone who took advantage of this) but I work half the week and cover more shifts than others and never miss one of my shifts. Anyway, I will be turning my keys in on Monday. The last time I spoke to my boss about it he said it's not fair he has to work weekends and I don't. I pointed out that he is a full-time salary manager with bonuses while I am part-time. I also pointed out to him that no one else closes as much as I do even though I only work half the week and that losing my position does no one favor. In fact, by losing me from the rotation he now has to close more, and while he works weekends he never closes and if he does he only closes one night a week while using the most payroll. Also, this adds more stress to everyone else shifts. For example, say one manager works Sat – Wen and has Thursday off. Manager 2 gets sick and calls out. Manager one refuses to come in because he just worked his 5 shifts. Normally the salary manager will have to come in and work this shift at no additional pay OR as they have been taking advantage of they call me last second and I come in to count the money and close up shop for a couple of hours saving everyone time and I get a little extra cash on the side. This really worked because my office is down the street from the store so in case of an emergency I was the fastest person to arrive and relieve the opener. With this current policy that is no longer an option and I get to keep my current pay so I get less stress and responsibility. They literally do not benefit from doing this and like I said my city is not that great if they could find someone to replace me well they had two years to do this and they still have not.

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