
I feel like I got a bait-and-switch job offer; I don’t know what to do

I was laid off from my previous job last August and have been on the job hunt since. I’ve applied to 100+ jobs and have had a total of only 4 interviews with different companies (not including ones that ended up being scams asking for money). A company I applied to reached out to me mid-September for a phone interview. I was fairly excited because based on the job description it was very much in-line with the kind of job I was looking for – it was in a field I have experience in, it paid well, and, most importantly for me, it was full-time with full benefits. I ended up having four separate interviews with this company. The first interview was over the phone, but the other three were in person. They all went well, and I was offered the job last week. My start date was set for…

I was laid off from my previous job last August and have been on the job hunt since. I’ve applied to 100+ jobs and have had a total of only 4 interviews with different companies (not including ones that ended up being scams asking for money).

A company I applied to reached out to me mid-September for a phone interview. I was fairly excited because based on the job description it was very much in-line with the kind of job I was looking for – it was in a field I have experience in, it paid well, and, most importantly for me, it was full-time with full benefits.

I ended up having four separate interviews with this company. The first interview was over the phone, but the other three were in person. They all went well, and I was offered the job last week. My start date was set for November 3rd.

I just received the paperwork yesterday to get me officially hired and I noticed that there wasn’t a process to get enrolled in the benefits. I reached out to my manager about this and received the following message:

“So this position is a part time position. You can work 40 hours as part time and work into full time. If you need full time for benefits I can bubble it up and see if this is something we can make happen. “

I feel completely blindsided by this. At no point was it mentioned that this was a part-time position. In fact, they specifically stated both in the job description and the in-person interviews that it was a full-time position. In this message they say that they can try to make it a full-time position, but I don’t know if I can’t trust that.

Any advice? I’m tempted to take the job anyway just for the money, but I’m worried that they’ll keep pulling stuff like this and screw me over. Am I overreacting?

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