
Advice on how to get my boss fired/Get a shit ton of money

So my boss at my fast food job has her 3 sons working 40 hour weeks even though they aren’t any better than the rest of us and we’re only working 10-20 hour weeks if that, she forces employees to show up to work sick, she shows up late with her sons and then changes her hours to make it look like she showed up early, and is doing shit like having her snitches show up to the store on their time off to spy on us. me and my friend are planning on speaking to a lawyer since HR is apparently fucking useless, any advice on how we should proceed?

So my boss at my fast food job has her 3 sons working 40 hour weeks even though they aren’t any better than the rest of us and we’re only working 10-20 hour weeks if that, she forces employees to show up to work sick, she shows up late with her sons and then changes her hours to make it look like she showed up early, and is doing shit like having her snitches show up to the store on their time off to spy on us. me and my friend are planning on speaking to a lawyer since HR is apparently fucking useless, any advice on how we should proceed?

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