
My bosses took advantage of me and when I stopped playing ball they took my shifts of me.

This was a few months back, I started a new job as a supervisor in a new bar/Brewery which was just starting up. From the get go the language they used was all about creating a positive and rewarding workplace culture. I should have seen the writing on the wall then but I stuck around. The first couple of months were actually ok…but there was a definite lack of organisation and the venue manager was pretty out of her depth. Shit started to hit the fan a little, me and the other supervisor were called to a meeting and the venue manager and licensee accused us both of not being up to the job. The other supervisor didn't take this well and quit…so now I'm doing yjr work of two people. Another month goes by and the staff start to come to me saying they don't like working for the…

This was a few months back, I started a new job as a supervisor in a new bar/Brewery which was just starting up. From the get go the language they used was all about creating a positive and rewarding workplace culture. I should have seen the writing on the wall then but I stuck around. The first couple of months were actually ok…but there was a definite lack of organisation and the venue manager was pretty out of her depth.

Shit started to hit the fan a little, me and the other supervisor were called to a meeting and the venue manager and licensee accused us both of not being up to the job. The other supervisor didn't take this well and quit…so now I'm doing yjr work of two people. Another month goes by and the staff start to come to me saying they don't like working for the venue manager. I take their concerns to the owner and he decides with the venue manager that she will resign. Seemed like things might change a bit…but instead of getting a new venue manager, her tasks fall to me. So now I'm managing a venue as a supervisor (this was my first management role).

I try my best but obviously due to my inexperience and lack of training I make some mistakes. I'm getting worn out covering multiple roles and the worst part is I didn't renegotiate my contract so I'm only being paid for my original role. I end up getting extremely ill with a sinus infection and have to take 3 weeks off. When I come back to work I decide I'm not willing to do anything outside my job description as I'm not being paid for it. I still work hard and do my best, but I never do anything I'm not being paid for. The owner and the licensee don't like this, they sit me down for another meeting and say to me “You don't seem to want to be here anymore, so we're taking all your shifts off you for the next week.”

I just went screw this, so I just resign outright and apply for a new job. It only takes 3 days and I'm offered a job as a supervisor at an established venue. After all that the original company never paid me out for my remaining annual leave. I also reviewed my contract…not only weren't they paying me for all the extra work when I was covering for the supervisor and venue manager who quit, but they were also only paying me as a bartender when they should have been paid as a manager.

So I'm now pursuing them for lost wages/underpayment with the relevant authority. Moral of the story is, NEVER do work outside your job description. Demand you be paid fairly for all work you complete and don't let a new company trick you with the idea of “loyalty”. Companies are loyal only to their shareholders, they don't care about you and will try and screw you over if you don't play by their rules.

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