
People Who Flex About Working Long Hours

Don’t you absolutely loathe people who make incendiary comments like: “you work 40 hours a week? I remember my first part time job.” I cannot and never will be able to understand people who flex about working 60 plus hours a week for a system that will throw them out like garbage and doesn’t give a shit about them. It’s stunning how so many of them think this herd mentality is some kind of flex.

Don’t you absolutely loathe people who make incendiary comments like: “you work 40 hours a week? I remember my first part time job.” I cannot and never will be able to understand people who flex about working 60 plus hours a week for a system that will throw them out like garbage and doesn’t give a shit about them. It’s stunning how so many of them think this herd mentality is some kind of flex.

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