
Punishment due to disciplinary reasons for working well.

As the title says… I still cant wrap my head around this. Litle background: I work at a small office, there are 4 people in my team and a new girl who is still learning so she is not counted. Anyway.. I went on vacation for 2 days and I came back to this mail from my boss, that starting from next week we will have reduced WFH days and we wont be permited to listen to music while we work, because it creates distraction and other random stuff like this. What? Like the office noice is better than me listening to music. On top of these we will have a lot more to do, thats related to micromanagement, such as unnecessary administration. I started this job with a 20% raise, table football tournaments, great workenvironment, fruit days and basically everything thats makes a good workplace a good workplace. Now,…

As the title says… I still cant wrap my head around this.
Litle background: I work at a small office, there are 4 people in my team and a new girl who is still learning so she is not counted.

Anyway.. I went on vacation for 2 days and I came back to this mail from my boss, that starting from next week we will have reduced WFH days and we wont be permited to listen to music while we work, because it creates distraction and other random stuff like this.

What? Like the office noice is better than me listening to music.
On top of these we will have a lot more to do, thats related to micromanagement, such as unnecessary administration.

I started this job with a 20% raise, table football tournaments, great workenvironment, fruit days and basically everything thats makes a good workplace a good workplace.

Now, you might be wondering why we got this punishment. Well, I dont know.. out KPI rating for last month is 95.5% and 99.5% (!!!!) for this month. Noone made mistakes that would cost us super huge sums of money and noone lost customers.

I might need to dust off my CV.

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