
After several years of working from home my company is saying if I don’t return to office it will be considered “voluntary resignation”

I was asking for help in an earlier post that got deleted but I’m so defeated at this point so it’s now just a rant. We were told today that we have until the end of January to return to office full time. They said if we don’t go back to the office they will consider this voluntary resignation, this also means we won’t qualify for unemployment. In order to have qualified to work from home in the first place you have to be a stellar employee and there is an application process. Many of us average 10+ years with the company and we were told our position to work from home was permanent. After Covid the remote workers returned and the permanent wfh employees stayed home. I have small children and can’t return to office and I’m limited with the jobs I can do while caring for my kids.…

I was asking for help in an earlier post that got deleted but I’m so defeated at this point so it’s now just a rant. We were told today that we have until the end of January to return to office full time. They said if we don’t go back to the office they will consider this voluntary resignation, this also means we won’t qualify for unemployment.

In order to have qualified to work from home in the first place you have to be a stellar employee and there is an application process. Many of us average 10+ years with the company and we were told our position to work from home was permanent. After Covid the remote workers returned and the permanent wfh employees stayed home.

I have small children and can’t return to office and I’m limited with the jobs I can do while caring for my kids. I was able to do my current job well while also caring for my kids because I had been there for so long and could get the job done quickly and efficiently.

I’m in Texas if anybody has resources for legal help. Thanks for reading

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