
Three interviews to figure out I was overqualified?

Recently I got back on the job market in Sweden due to a lay off in my company (got a sweet exit offer, so it's all good). I put the word out among my contacts, that I was available. One of the individuals was working for a fairly new software consulting firm owned by a well known company. He put me in touch with their recruitment person. This is where the fun begins. This “recruitment specialist” is essentially all over the place. Rescheduling meetings 2-3 times, messaging random stuff for an hour or so without getting to the point, you name it. Anyway, after the customary CV forwarding and all I meet with my contact and the “recruiter” a couple of times, and then two other bigwigs from the same company, of which one of the guys actually said, and I quote, “I would hire you right now, if it…

Recently I got back on the job market in Sweden due to a lay off in my company (got a sweet exit offer, so it's all good). I put the word out among my contacts, that I was available. One of the individuals was working for a fairly new software consulting firm owned by a well known company. He put me in touch with their recruitment person.

This is where the fun begins. This “recruitment specialist” is essentially all over the place. Rescheduling meetings 2-3 times, messaging random stuff for an hour or so without getting to the point, you name it. Anyway, after the customary CV forwarding and all I meet with my contact and the “recruiter” a couple of times, and then two other bigwigs from the same company, of which one of the guys actually said, and I quote, “I would hire you right now, if it were up to me. Sadly I need to discuss this with my boss.”. This looked like a promising sign and I went with it.

A couple of weeks later the “recruiter” reaches out and after about 30 minutes of drawn out random conversation, she tells me that I was overqualified for the positions they had at that time.

I am honestly confused as to why they needed 3 meetings to come to that conclusion. I believe my CV would have been enough for that. Is this common?

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