
Is something wrong with me?

I’m 27 and I don’t have a dream job or dream career. I really don’t even what I want to do for a career. I’m currently working sales for an industrial supplier but I don’t care for it at all. It seems like most people I went to school with already knew what they wanted to do in life. I feel like I don’t have any direction. I don’t dream of working and loving it. Part of me has just accepted that I’ll just have a job that I really don’t care about that’ll pay the bills. I’ve taken career aptitude test but I don’t even see myself going into those fields.

I’m 27 and I don’t have a dream job or dream career. I really don’t even what I want to do for a career. I’m currently working sales for an industrial supplier but I don’t care for it at all. It seems like most people I went to school with already knew what they wanted to do in life.

I feel like I don’t have any direction. I don’t dream of working and loving it. Part of me has just accepted that I’ll just have a job that I really don’t care about that’ll pay the bills. I’ve taken career aptitude test but I don’t even see myself going into those fields.

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