
Work laid off a bunch of WFH/Hybrid workers. Worried I’m next.

For context, my job’s office was originally in town A and is now in town B. Me, along with 5 other employees worked at the office in town A. Back in 2022, my company’s parent company told my boss that we had to move elsewhere because their employees needed more space. We were promised an office near us, but that never happened. Instead, my boss got an office in town B, an hour and a half away from all of us. Some of the employees at the town B office complained about us being able to WFH, so the company is now making everyone come to the office and 4 employees were laid off (3 of which were top performers btw) because they refused to drive an hour and a half 5 days a week. Now I’m the exception. I’m the only person in my company that has office space…

For context, my job’s office was originally in town A and is now in town B. Me, along with 5 other employees worked at the office in town A. Back in 2022, my company’s parent company told my boss that we had to move elsewhere because their employees needed more space. We were promised an office near us, but that never happened. Instead, my boss got an office in town B, an hour and a half away from all of us. Some of the employees at the town B office complained about us being able to WFH, so the company is now making everyone come to the office and 4 employees were laid off (3 of which were top performers btw) because they refused to drive an hour and a half 5 days a week. Now I’m the exception. I’m the only person in my company that has office space at the office in town A so I’m technically not WFH. However, ever since all of this has been happening, I’ve been extremely discouraged. I’ve been doing the bare minimum, just enough to be fulfilling my responsibilities without going over the top like I used to when this job was something I was still passionate about.

I’ve been planning to transition to IT for a while, currently getting my CompTIA A+ cert. My question is, should I stay at this job while I get my cert and while I look for a help desk job? Or should I put my focus into looking for another job while I get my cert? I’m getting paid decently at my current job which is really the only thing keeping me here, but I also fear that one day they’re just gonna kick me to the curb because I’m not part of their main office.

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