
Using ChatGPT, I’ve automated 80% of my work, and now after nearly a year of free money, the genius idea to automate my work finally occured to my manager. He asked me to help. How do I leverage this to my benefit?

I think January this year, back when ChatGPT was unhinged and smart, I managed to write several VBA scripts that helped with automating a lot of reports and statements that I generate on the daily. I”ve used ChatGPT for the backend script development, and used a UI created by our automation team for ease of use. This means that since January, I've been shitting reports and statements like clockwork, and no one bat an eye. The first 5 hours of Monday and last 5 hours of Friday I had them blocked as “reporting” and I have a full script that does the end-to-end process for me. A quick review then I send out everything in under 5 minutes and chill for the rest of the time. So recently, the automation team in my company got freed up from some huge projects, and they hit my manager up asking if he…

I think January this year, back when ChatGPT was unhinged and smart, I managed to write several VBA scripts that helped with automating a lot of reports and statements that I generate on the daily. I”ve used ChatGPT for the backend script development, and used a UI created by our automation team for ease of use. This means that since January, I've been shitting reports and statements like clockwork, and no one bat an eye. The first 5 hours of Monday and last 5 hours of Friday I had them blocked as “reporting” and I have a full script that does the end-to-end process for me. A quick review then I send out everything in under 5 minutes and chill for the rest of the time.

So recently, the automation team in my company got freed up from some huge projects, and they hit my manager up asking if he needed some help, now they'll finally be able to assist. My manager came to me saying that now we're going to cooperate with them as a team and he wants me to create a ticket and describe to them the operation step by step so they can automate it. He wants me to demonstrate the whole operation visually and present it to them. I'm the most experienced in my team, so it makes sense he came to me.

But the automation team will effectively be creating the exact same script that I currently have, if not worse lol having ton of experience with my line of work, I managed to nail a lot of complicated steps into an efficient and cohesive stream of commands. There's no way in hell, even with my instructions, for them to come close to my script, and I'm not trying to brag. It's genuinely that crazy good. I've put more than a month's work over the weekends developing it and the result is out of this world.

One idea on how I could leverage this is by creating the UI myself and presenting it to them and explain the back-end of it in front of my manager so he knows that I have that kind of background and I'm capable of this, but I don't know how else I could leverage this to my own advantage. The script covers more than 3 lengthy and complicated reporting and statement processes. Right now, he asked me to focus on one.

So how do you guys think I should proceed?

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