
Are we heading toward an anti-work revolution?

Sorry if this has been covered multiple times before. I was having a chat about this with my friend last night, and it’s been on my mind since. When I browse Reddit or social media, or even engage in conversation with friends similar to my age (mid 20s), I’m starting to see a pattern: this generation are strongly against the 38/40-hour work week. This isn’t to say previous generations aren’t or weren’t the same. But I feel that, thanks to platforms like Reddit, we’re able to really share how we feel, which leaves plenty of room for being impressionable and influencing others. If I think about my parents (who are now in their 50s), they’ve been slaves to the 9-5 work life for 30+ years. I can’t speak for everyone in this demographic, but through personal experience, their attitude towards the system is ‘Ah, you just have to get on…

Sorry if this has been covered multiple times before. I was having a chat about this with my friend last night, and it’s been on my mind since.

When I browse Reddit or social media, or even engage in conversation with friends similar to my age (mid 20s), I’m starting to see a pattern: this generation are strongly against the 38/40-hour work week.

This isn’t to say previous generations aren’t or weren’t the same. But I feel that, thanks to platforms like Reddit, we’re able to really share how we feel, which leaves plenty of room for being impressionable and influencing others.

If I think about my parents (who are now in their 50s), they’ve been slaves to the 9-5 work life for 30+ years. I can’t speak for everyone in this demographic, but through personal experience, their attitude towards the system is ‘Ah, you just have to get on with it and work hard. That’s life.’

Sure, that’s true. Because for a long time, it’s felt like we’ve had no other option. Growing up, my parents would have met other couples with that same mindset. But things like holidays and mortgages were more obtainable way back when. And if you’re surrounded by workers who are zombies to the work system, naturally you’ll fall in line and just get on with it.

But times are different. People are struggling. Those joining the workforce are likely to be in the rat race until their 70s. People are sharing their stories about being treated like shit by their company despite the loyalty they’ve shown. Reward for hard work is few and far between due to the cost of living. And I see time and time again that workers are rewarded with MORE work when going the extra mile.

I think that people sharing their experiences with the world of work is striking a chord with this generation. It’s not laziness, it’s saying enough is enough. We want to live and enjoy our time.

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