
Do I sound crazy?

I am a young person, only 19. Lately I’ve been thinking about how shitty everything really is. It just recently dawned on me that all my years of elementary, middle, and high school education weren’t actually for me to be able to advance, I was taught how to become a general laborer like all the rest of us fish. I was being shown how to sit, listen and preform a task for 9-8 hours, I was being taught that I’d only be entitled to a 1/2 hour lunch break for the rest of my natural life. I was being conditioned to work for the man, while being sold this dream, lie, of financial freedom or independence. When in reality I was being trained to become one of the many 1’S and 0’s. There’s a reason why a lot of people believe schools kills artists. It’s because it takes away our…

I am a young person, only 19. Lately I’ve been thinking about how shitty everything really is. It just recently dawned on me that all my years of elementary, middle, and high school education weren’t actually for me to be able to advance, I was taught how to become a general laborer like all the rest of us fish.

I was being shown how to sit, listen and preform a task for 9-8 hours, I was being taught that I’d only be entitled to a 1/2 hour lunch break for the rest of my natural life. I was being conditioned to work for the man, while being sold this dream, lie, of financial freedom or independence. When in reality I was being trained to become one of the many 1’S and 0’s.

There’s a reason why a lot of people believe schools kills artists. It’s because it takes away our individualism and programs us with societal expectations that are constructs. It forces us to change our way of thinking, thus changing the way we act and feel. We become slaves to the machine before we’re even old enough to make our own legal decisions.

And then once we cross that threshold of 17, and become 18, we are forced into the world and reality usually sets in, and for most is goes unnoticed, because their minds have already been taken over, but for others like myself, it hits us like a bus and we become instantly enraged and disappointment, knowing that the last 13 years of our lives have been preparation to put us on the assembly lines.

Recently I came across an idea from Native American literature. In a nutshell, the Native Peoples believe that we were not made to work 9-5 jobs. We as humans were made to experience the warmth of the sun on a cloudless day, the feeling of the breeze in our hair, the beauty of the trees and mountains, the joy of connecting with our community. All humans deserve that experience and it should not be based on your tax bracket.

We are not made to be SLAVES to corporations, we are not made to work 40+ HOURS a week and still be struggling to survive. Work kills our minds, body’s, and souls. It forces us to become complacent. And that’s exactly what THEY want.

If I ever crack the code of house to get out of this corporate 9-5 life consuming hell scape best believe I will share it with all my comrades. I am a being of light, energy and love. And I deserve to reside somewhere peaceful in the forest so I can be on with true nature.

I feel like a fire has been lit within me. I will continue to research this topic and learn more about other likeminded individuals . I will make it my duties to educate others, especially my age in hopes of opening their eyes to the truths of this world. Change resides within all of use. But it takes a village to raise a revolution

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