
In trouble for not being social enough???

Ok how am I getting reprimanded for this. I’m so frustrated. A few years back I started working at a large company and was transferred midway through to another location. The work I do can be done 100% remotely but they still insist that we come in on a hybrid basis. Fine. If they wanted me to check a box I would do it. I noticed that some days the whole office would be out —like Monday— and started choosing those days to come in and check the box. It was quieter and I could get so much more done. Plus, if we hook up to the office WiFi it lets our boss know we’re in office, so it’s not like they had no idea I was there. I also sparingly attended social events — im sober so I didn’t do any happy hours, and I always have commitments after…

Ok how am I getting reprimanded for this. I’m so frustrated.

A few years back I started working at a large company and was transferred midway through to another location. The work I do can be done 100% remotely but they still insist that we come in on a hybrid basis. Fine. If they wanted me to check a box I would do it. I noticed that some days the whole office would be out —like Monday— and started choosing those days to come in and check the box. It was quieter and I could get so much more done. Plus, if we hook up to the office WiFi it lets our boss know we’re in office, so it’s not like they had no idea I was there. I also sparingly attended social events — im sober so I didn’t do any happy hours, and I always have commitments after five pm so I never did dinners. I felt like this was a waste of my time especially as I wasn’t paid to go. Plus I have a life lol. They also have in office socialization events (many centered around alcohol) that I sort of participate in, but again, I usually stick around enough to do some small talk and then I’m out. Importantly: most of my team is on an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT COAST of the US, so even when I went to these social events, it was hard to connect with people as I never work with them, they are all 20+ years older than me, and it’s mostly BS corporate smalltalk. My method of flying under the radar worked really well for about six months.

Last week, my boss told me he’s concerned because I don’t participate in enough social events and they “never see me at the office.” I told him I am coming in the required days and when I told him which days, he said no one comes in those days so “isn’t it usually very quiet? Why not come in when everyone is there?” Obviously I couldn’t say that was the whole point. I said it worked better with my after work schedule and that’s why. Then he asked why I wasn’t “friendlier” and “more talkative” and that people had been saying I was really quiet. Like…yeah…I’m there to work…I don’t need to hang around people’s offices and chat. He has basically implied I better start socializing more and being a part of the team. I’m outraged because in no way is this going to benefit me OR my work, as it always eats into my day. I’m also a top performer in a very niche industry and have helped the team grow its revenue substantially. My colleagues I work with every day over zoom and I have fabulous relationships. I even launched a new training division for new hires and single-handedly grown our business dev opportunities which isn’t even close to being my job description. I’ve had nothing but stellar feedback on my work—literally top bonuses every year. So WHAT exactly am I doing wrong??? I’m so incredibly frustrated and needed to vent. How do you deal with this corporate bullshit???

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