
Poisoned at work

Posting on behalf of my sister (who doesn’t have a Reddit) Background: My husband was sent to work on a machine at an off-site location. While at the off-site location, he picked up his water bottle (plastic disposable) and when he took a gulp of it, he had to spit it back out, it was not water. Turns out an employee replaced the water with something that is poisonous. He was admitted to the ER, spent the night for observation. His esophagus had some minor irritation as well as his stomach lining. They sent him home the next day. However, over the weekend he was in excruciating pain and was admitted to the ER again. His stomach lining and an esophagus are completely inflamed. He was given some painkillers. Situation: My husband informed his work place of what happened as he was he was transported to a bigger hospital (we…

Posting on behalf of my sister (who doesn’t have a Reddit)

My husband was sent to work on a machine at an off-site location. While at the off-site location, he picked up his water bottle (plastic disposable) and when he took a gulp of it, he had to spit it back out, it was not water. Turns out an employee replaced the water with something that is poisonous. He was admitted to the ER, spent the night for observation. His esophagus had some minor irritation as well as his stomach lining. They sent him home the next day. However, over the weekend he was in excruciating pain and was admitted to the ER again. His stomach lining and an esophagus are completely inflamed. He was given some painkillers.

My husband informed his work place of what happened as he was he was transported to a bigger hospital (we live in a small town). His company told him they wanted him to meet with HR on Monday. That didn’t happen. I called HR on his behalf and informed them that my husband would need the rest of the week off. This conversation happened because we were trying to figure out how to file his workers comp. HR said that’s fine they would make note of it. Today, his supervisor called him and said he had to be in tomorrow for work.

My sister thinks that his company might be afraid of a lawsuit, so instead of letting my husband recover, they want him at work so they can talk to them. However, he is no condition to return to work (because he’s been delirious and on a heavy dosage of meds).

Any advice would help in how to move forward.

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