
It would help if posts looking for help, advice and solutions to workplace problems, would clarify which country they are working in.

Different countries have different labor laws and worker protection rights. What works in America won't work in Asia. And, from what I hear, different American states have different laws too. You can leave it at that. But, if your problem is such that field matters, and you feel comfortable posting, you can state vaguely which field you are in. Stuff that works in a 9-5 corporate job may not work in retail or construction and vice versa. 9 out of 10 times the advice given on this sub regarding common workplace abuse and exploitation won't work for me because I live in an Asian country. Labor laws and work culture are different here.

Different countries have different labor laws and worker protection rights. What works in America won't work in Asia. And, from what I hear, different American states have different laws too.

You can leave it at that. But, if your problem is such that field matters, and you feel comfortable posting, you can state vaguely which field you are in. Stuff that works in a 9-5 corporate job may not work in retail or construction and vice versa.

9 out of 10 times the advice given on this sub regarding common workplace abuse and exploitation won't work for me because I live in an Asian country. Labor laws and work culture are different here.

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