
Request: Can we get a list of all the times US companies fought non-US unions and got wrecked?

In regards to the Tesla post about a day ago, really did warm my heart, I was wondering just how many times US companies went abroad thinking they’d steam-roll whatever labor unions there were and got absolutely bodied. Obviously Tesla in Sweden and Germany, McDonald’s losing copyright over the Big Mac (UK I want to say?), the EU and Apple’s fight over charge cords, and plenty of others. I’m just looking for some fun stories to pull me through the last 8 months of a crap contract in a country that has had far too much American business influence over the past decades. Any time US shenanigans resulted in a company eating a loss, getting keel hauled, or forcing closures would be appreciated. Non-US as well, tell me times Nestle tried to steal water rights and got tarred and feathered for their troubles. Help a poor sap out?

In regards to the Tesla post about a day ago, really did warm my heart, I was wondering just how many times US companies went abroad thinking they’d steam-roll whatever labor unions there were and got absolutely bodied.

Obviously Tesla in Sweden and Germany, McDonald’s losing copyright over the Big Mac (UK I want to say?), the EU and Apple’s fight over charge cords, and plenty of others.

I’m just looking for some fun stories to pull me through the last 8 months of a crap contract in a country that has had far too much American business influence over the past decades.

Any time US shenanigans resulted in a company eating a loss, getting keel hauled, or forcing closures would be appreciated. Non-US as well, tell me times Nestle tried to steal water rights and got tarred and feathered for their troubles.

Help a poor sap out?

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