
Coworker suggested I come in on my free time to clean up after her, for free

I had a coworker who sincerely believed that because she had a college degree and I did not, that She did not have to clean up after herself. We worked at an art studio. Seriously she thought she didn’t have to clean her paint palette or anything. So on days I didn’t work, our supply would just be bathing in paint water. To prevent this, she suggested I come in after she was done on my days off and clean up after her. Because none of the rules applied to her because she had a degree

I had a coworker who sincerely believed that because she had a college degree and I did not, that She did not have to clean up after herself. We worked at an art studio. Seriously she thought she didn’t have to clean her paint palette or anything.

So on days I didn’t work, our supply would just be bathing in paint water. To prevent this, she suggested I come in after she was done on my days off and clean up after her. Because none of the rules applied to her because she had a degree

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