
Personal Phone for Business Use

My company is having me attend a First Aid course next week. I’ve been asked to download a booklet to a mobile device ahead of the training. I am not provided with a company phone, as I don’t need one for my position. I prefer to keep my personal phone for my personal use, and have been directing everyone to contact me via proper work channels (there were some staff who had my personal phone for texting, but we’ve recently installed a new phone system that allows for desktop texting). Since first aid is a skill I can use outside of the workplace, I am thinking downloading this booklet to my personal phone would be an okay line to blur. Thoughts?

My company is having me attend a First Aid course next week. I’ve been asked to download a booklet to a mobile device ahead of the training. I am not provided with a company phone, as I don’t need one for my position.

I prefer to keep my personal phone for my personal use, and have been directing everyone to contact me via proper work channels (there were some staff who had my personal phone for texting, but we’ve recently installed a new phone system that allows for desktop texting).

Since first aid is a skill I can use outside of the workplace, I am thinking downloading this booklet to my personal phone would be an okay line to blur.


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