
Work Gossip

Work Gossip I recently received a promotion and then next day I overheard two of my coworkers gossiping. One I respect and one I don’t. The one I don’t is my current boss and she was complaining about my work ethic. I have picked up everything she has asked me to and have done so with a smile, even though she is often unpleasant in her requests (and quite frankly very lazy herself. I often do the jobs she doesn’t want to do) so I don’t know what she is talking about. The one I respect is her superior and she was talking about how many more qualified people there are to do this job. The job is remote and a great job. My question is, how do I approach the one I respect, or do I at all? I wish I didn’t hear the conversation and I honestly didn’t…

Work Gossip

I recently received a promotion and then next day I overheard two of my coworkers gossiping. One I respect and one I don’t. The one I don’t is my current boss and she was complaining about my work ethic. I have picked up everything she has asked me to and have done so with a smile, even though she is often unpleasant in her requests (and quite frankly very lazy herself. I often do the jobs she doesn’t want to do) so I don’t know what she is talking about. The one I respect is her superior and she was talking about how many more qualified people there are to do this job. The job is remote and a great job. My question is, how do I approach the one I respect, or do I at all? I wish I didn’t hear the conversation and I honestly didn’t mean to. My office shares a wall with my current boss and she didn’t think I was here today. I’m really hurt by all of this.

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