
I’m scares I might lose my job soon

TW death My job has one of those stupid point systems. You get 35 points for the year. They don't roll off until Jan 1st and there's no working overtime to restore them. There is literally nothing to do if you lose points. Most of the year I didn't lose any points and didn't need any sick time. You only lose points once out of sick time or PTO. Since September my life has been one tragic event after another. I'm not even gonna get into it all because it's too sad. I'm just going to mention things that made me lose points. My dad was moved to his death bed. He'd been in hospice for a year but he moved to the last stages, and obviously I went to help take cate of him and sit deathwatch with him. 2 week after he died my very pregnant daughter was…

TW death

My job has one of those stupid point systems.

You get 35 points for the year. They don't roll off until Jan 1st and there's no working overtime to restore them. There is literally nothing to do if you lose points.

Most of the year I didn't lose any points and didn't need any sick time. You only lose points once out of sick time or PTO.

Since September my life has been one tragic event after another. I'm not even gonna get into it all because it's too sad. I'm just going to mention things that made me lose points.

My dad was moved to his death bed. He'd been in hospice for a year but he moved to the last stages, and obviously I went to help take cate of him and sit deathwatch with him.

2 week after he died my very pregnant daughter was in a car wreck. Thankfully everyone was okay but she spent 3 days in the hospital and she couldn't take care of her toddler. Obviously I'm gonna help my daughter and granddaughter.

I don't regret doing these things. I feel these are the things we SHOULD be doing as humans. Doing all of this I used up all of my sick time and all of my PTO.

Yesterday I didn't have a choice I called in because I couldn't function. My pain levels were fluctuating from a 6 to a 9 AND I was having upper respiratory issues from pollen. I couldn't even think straight. I was written up.

Today my pain hasn't decreased it might have increased a little even. I have to go to work today or I'm fired.

I've been job hunting since they tried to fire me while my dad was dying. I've submitted over 100 applications but not a single call back.

Like everyone else I can't survive losing my job. I'm better than some because I inherited a house and already grow food, but I can't grow electricity or gas or internet. Plus taxes are due soon, if we don't pay those we would be homeless.

I'm so scared and I have no idea how I'm going to be able to work. I wish I could quit and just get another job, but what do you do when there's no jobs? I'm so helpless feeling.

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