
Contractor not paying? Changing rules?

Long story short, I was contracted to run social media for a government entity. The agreement is I get a set amount of $$$ each month. The contract itself says that I pick my own work schedule, choose whether I am virtual/in person, and can work as many or as few hours a week that I decide on based on the needs of our accounts. It’s a very loose contract, but the agreement does say I get the set amount monthly with no real stipulations. The second month I was there, I recorded the hours I worked to make a point because I felt that i was being paid next to nothing considering the amount of hours I spent working on accounts. Remarkably, I actually never received a paycheck the first month I was there but they made it up to me by paying me both months wages in August.…

Long story short, I was contracted to run social media for a government entity. The agreement is I get a set amount of $$$ each month. The contract itself says that I pick my own work schedule, choose whether I am virtual/in person, and can work as many or as few hours a week that I decide on based on the needs of our accounts. It’s a very loose contract, but the agreement does say I get the set amount monthly with no real stipulations.

The second month I was there, I recorded the hours I worked to make a point because I felt that i was being paid next to nothing considering the amount of hours I spent working on accounts. Remarkably, I actually never received a paycheck the first month I was there but they made it up to me by paying me both months wages in August. It was very frustrating to go without pay for a month as you can imagine.

Here we are in November. I was never paid for October. I contacted the city I work for to let them know that I needed my wages. They informed me the mayor, who signed my checks, would be out this week but they would be sure to have my wages next week. (Not like they didn’t already have 31 days to do that)

I asked that they go ahead and put October and November on the same check so I did not go another month without being paid. They said sure, conversation ended there.

Today I was contacted by them and they informed me I needed to provide a time sheet or I would not receive pay.

I didn’t fill out a time sheet because it is NOT a part of my contract to do so and they’ve never requested one in the past. Now they are saying if I don’t provide one, I will not get paid.


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