
they cut all of our hours and didn’t tell us. i am cold and hungry

i took a part-time position because i wanted to focus on college. they reduced every single part-time person's hours and didn't tell us until this month's schedule came out. i will not have enough money to pay the rent this month. even though we are below zero outside right now i don't ever turn on the heat because i can't afford that. i don't have enough money left over to buy groceries. i share my place with my sister who works full-time and even she struggles to get us decent food. we have no idea how we're gonna pay the upcoming power bill. i'm gonna apply to as many minimum wage places as i can but they can sometimes take months to call back here. i'm completely fucked.

i took a part-time position because i wanted to focus on college. they reduced every single part-time person's hours and didn't tell us until this month's schedule came out.

i will not have enough money to pay the rent this month. even though we are below zero outside right now i don't ever turn on the heat because i can't afford that. i don't have enough money left over to buy groceries. i share my place with my sister who works full-time and even she struggles to get us decent food. we have no idea how we're gonna pay the upcoming power bill. i'm gonna apply to as many minimum wage places as i can but they can sometimes take months to call back here. i'm completely fucked.

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