
Employer just informed me my 2023 incentive structure is being redone and I will be making 50% less in bonuses

I work in sales and receive quarterly and annual bonuses that are tied directly to my performance. I signed a contract at the beginning of 2022 that outlined the way my incentives were calculated and paid out, all was good. Come 2023 and there is a lot of turnover in management at the business along with a downturn in overall sales (not my department which actually saw an uptick) and they announce new incentives will be released for 2023. Come the first quarter, no new incentive guideline is given to me and the bonus looks like it should based on the 2022 plan. 2nd quarter is the same, but I ask my new boss if I should expect to sign off on a new plan. He says it is not finished yet, but will be shortly. He then leaves and a new manager is brought in right before 3rd quarter…

I work in sales and receive quarterly and annual bonuses that are tied directly to my performance. I signed a contract at the beginning of 2022 that outlined the way my incentives were calculated and paid out, all was good. Come 2023 and there is a lot of turnover in management at the business along with a downturn in overall sales (not my department which actually saw an uptick) and they announce new incentives will be released for 2023.

Come the first quarter, no new incentive guideline is given to me and the bonus looks like it should based on the 2022 plan. 2nd quarter is the same, but I ask my new boss if I should expect to sign off on a new plan. He says it is not finished yet, but will be shortly.

He then leaves and a new manager is brought in right before 3rd quarter ends. I ask him “will my bonus be changed for 3rd quarter and annual?” And he says he will get back to me. Now on November 1st, I am receiving my 3rd quarter and it is less than half of what I calculated based on performance. I reach out to my new boss who shows me an incentive plan I have never seen before, which is full of typos and does not include a portion of my business that makes up the majority of what I am paid out on.

He is telling me this is the final version and from now on my bonus will be based off this document. He asked me to sign and I refused. Do I have any option for recourse? Quarter 3 is our biggest / busiest of the year, I feel like this is almost intentional to make sure I stuck through this quarter even though they were cutting my bonus.

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