
Tech company layoff today

After 2 years working for this tech company, 13 roles were eliminated today including mine. It was sudden and shocking. Each manager sent a 10 min meeting invite to each employee. By the time it was my turn I already knew and to add, the company is 100% remote. I had less than 5 minutes with my manager telling me about the decision and thanking me for my time with the company. I could barely respond without my voice cracking. It was so incredibly painful for that to be the last conversation after 2 years. They did as much as they could to handle it with kindness. Everyone received a severance and I was advised I can be rehired and that this wasn't due to my performance or something I did wrong. Either way I'm so incredibly sad. During the meeting they start deactivating your accounts. So you just see…

After 2 years working for this tech company, 13 roles were eliminated today including mine. It was sudden and shocking. Each manager sent a 10 min meeting invite to each employee. By the time it was my turn I already knew and to add, the company is 100% remote.

I had less than 5 minutes with my manager telling me about the decision and thanking me for my time with the company. I could barely respond without my voice cracking. It was so incredibly painful for that to be the last conversation after 2 years.

They did as much as they could to handle it with kindness. Everyone received a severance and I was advised I can be rehired and that this wasn't due to my performance or something I did wrong. Either way I'm so incredibly sad.

During the meeting they start deactivating your accounts. So you just see everything shutting down and there's nothing you can do to stop it. You're cut off so quickly and while I understand there's compliances that have to be adhered to, it still hurts. A lot.

I will be taking some time to grieve and process this. It's my 4th layoff and I was terminated from my last job. At least this was a layoff but it hits so hard. I really grew professionally and personally at this job. I can't believe it's over. I'm going to miss everyone so much.

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