
A Slave to Money

Money is on my mind constantly. Yes, I have a decent job that pays a living wage, yet even in my free time I am always trying to find ways to earn more of it. Rather than use my free time to do things I actually enjoy, I spend a lot of it trying to learn more skills that might put me in a higher paying role, or use it to try to build something I can sell. I want to break free from Money. I want a sizable parcel of land I can farm and garden off of. I want to use my programming skills to create online platforms and services that everyone can access and use for free. As unachievable as it is, I want to develop a new nation where everyone is only expected to work only 4 hours a day and for that to be enough…

Money is on my mind constantly. Yes, I have a decent job that pays a living wage, yet even in my free time I am always trying to find ways to earn more of it. Rather than use my free time to do things I actually enjoy, I spend a lot of it trying to learn more skills that might put me in a higher paying role, or use it to try to build something I can sell.

I want to break free from Money. I want a sizable parcel of land I can farm and garden off of. I want to use my programming skills to create online platforms and services that everyone can access and use for free. As unachievable as it is, I want to develop a new nation where everyone is only expected to work only 4 hours a day and for that to be enough to cover all living expenses.

The problem is this all requires so much more money and free time than a regular full time job will ever allow, but yet I still try so the reasons listed above become slightly more possible. The sad truth is that I may die with an adequate number in my bank account, but would have achieved nothing that would help make the lives of others any easier. I would have built nothing I actually wanted to build all because I was too busy trying to make it easier to pay bills. I need out.

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